https://doi.org/10.30441/smart-elab.v10i0.201Parole chiave:
timescape local, interpolation toolAbstract
Many ecological variables vary both in space and time and the datasets are often distributed far form the ideal statistical sampling: the Timescape algorithm attempts to cope with environmental sciences datasets with a scattered spatial and temporal distribution. TimescapeLocal, in particular, is suited for the use of projected coordinates datasets, including the widespread Universal Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic spatial reference systems (local to regional scales). The spatial distances can be evaluated according to the standard Euclidean, diamond and square metrics, then a spacetime distance, which includes a causal constraint, is computed. The interpolation then follows, with a few ordinary spatial interpolation algorithm, included in the software package. A typical run lasts a few hours, depending on the complexity of the algorithm, the metrics chosen and the number of output cells.