Il sito ICOS-atmosfera di Potenza: descrizione del suo set-up
Research infrastructure, ICOS, greenhouse gasesAbstract
This work aims to provide a brief description of the set-up of the Potenza ICOS-atmosphere site that the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) of the National Research Council (CNR) will carry out at the industrial area of Tito (PZ) starting from 2021. This realization was funded by the former Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) as part of the National Operational Program (PON) Research and Innovation aimed at strengthening research infrastructures (notice issued with the Directorial Decree of 28 February 2018, n.424) identified by MIUR as priorities in the National Research Program (PNIR) 2014-2020 and eligible for access to funds from the PON for Research and Innovation. These are research infrastructures functional to the implementation of projects which correspond to one or more areas of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and which also have a significant impact on the trajectories of the National Strategy of Intelligent Specialization, with the ability to guarantee self-sufficiency in the medium and long term and activate interventions in the less developed regions or in transition target regions of the Program. Starting from a brief description of the ICOS-RI research infrastructure (Integrated Carbon Observation System - Research Infrastructure) and, in particular, of its atmospheric component, the Potenza site and its main features (e.g., location, environmental context, main atmospheric emission types) are introduced. Subsequently, a description of the key elements (i.e., atmospheric tower, laboratory and instruments) to be built/acquired at the aforementioned site is proposed.