Current Issue

The fourth Joint Conference of the Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC) and the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS), was held in Trieste from 12 to 15 September 2022.
The Conference hosted 13 micro-symposia, which included multidisciplinary aspects on:
Modern Integrative Structural Biology; Understanding Advanced Functional Materials Through Operando Studies; Italy@EuXFEL; Frontiers in Mineralogy and Inorganic Geochemistry; Experimental Design & Analysis of Data; Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Advanced Tools Applied to Pharmaceuticals, Materials at Extreme Conditions: X-ray Crystallography and Beyond; Bright Radiation Sources and Novel Software Applications; Current Approaches in Structural Biology; Investigating Molecular Crystals: Methods and Application; Interplay between Crystal Growth and Advanced Characterizations for Materials Development; Nanostructured Materials; Science & Society: from Dissemination to Communication.
Full Issue
Events and Conferences
Rivista edita dall'Istituto di Cristallografia del CNR.
La rivista si pone come obiettivo la disseminazione delle innovazioni tecnologiche realizzate dagli Istituti di ricerca del C.N.R., in particolare negli ambiti disciplinari delle tecnologie Informatiche a supporto della Ricerca Scientifica, della Divulgazione e della Didattica. In speciali sezioni saranno accolti articoli sull'innovazione delle strumentazioni di indagine scientifica realizzate da gruppi di ricerca del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
ISSN: 2282-2259
Sezioni della rivista:
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Magazine edited by the CNR Institute of Crystallography
The magazine aims to disseminate the technological innovations developed by the research institutes of the C.N.R., in particular in the disciplinary fields of Information Technologies to support Scientific Research, Dissemination and Didactics. In special sections will be received articles on the innovation of scientific research tools made by research groups of the National Research Council.
ISSN: 2282-2259
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